About Me

Assalamualaikum & Hello there, (thank you for wanting to know about me)

My name is Fatin Adibah. You can call me which one that you pleasure. fatin boleh, adibah boleh, princess boleh, tiba-tiba princess? haha, mana-mana lah, apa-apa pon boleh laa

I started the blogging thing since I was 17. The intention of writing this blog because I want to remember the best moments of my life since I was easily tended to forget some of the things. Thus, the internet is permanent as long as the world is still there. Just in case my memories fade, I just need to reread this blog to regain my memory. Like a server, when you need, just download it! And, this blog such a sense of gratitude towards peoples who live love life around me :)

Servant of Allah,
Fatin Adibah


nik said...

wow!!!! amazing huhuuhhu

Fatin Adibah said...
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